Oleg Kozlovsky’s English Weblog

Politics, Democracy and Human Rights in Russia

Belarus-2010 vs Russia-2012

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On December 20, 2010, a thousands-strong crowd was protesting against fraudulent Presidential elections in Belarus. After some 100 people tried to storm a government building, Lukashenko’s riot police attacked the crowd, many were badly beated, hundreds arrested. Criminal investigation started that allowed to prosecute the rally leaders. USA and EU swiftly condemned Lukashenko and implemented sanctions against his regime.

On May 6, 2012, thousands were protesting in Moscow against fraudulent Presidential elections in Russia. After several hundred tried to break through a police line, Putin’s riot police attacked the crowd, many were badly beaten, hundreds arrested. Criminal investigation started and two opposition leaders Alexey Navalny and Sergey Udaltsov questioned. In the following days, hundreds more were arrested. Meanwhile, American and European ambassadors took part in Putin’s inauguration. President Obama called Putin, congratulated him on the Victory Day, discussed military and economic cooperation, but didn’t mention human rights.

Written by Oleg Kozlovsky

May 11, 2012 at 13:33

2 Responses

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  1. Given what you have written, Oleg, it is logical that now the leaders of the opposition should boldly step forward and publicly criticize the Obama administration for its failure to support human rights in Russia. There is an election on now in the USA. The opposition should make clear that the current government in the USA is not standing up for American values and is helping fuel dictatorship in Russia. It should praise the tough comments made by Republican leaders like Marco Rubio (http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-rubio-doctrine-sen-marco-rubio-gets-serious-about-russia/?singlepage=true) and should ask for even more support from them.


    May 11, 2012 at 14:43

  2. […] opposition leader Oleg Kozlovsky compared the US response to crackdown in Belarus  to that in Russia, and found that while the US confronted […]

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